February 19th 2008 01:04 (just revamping my blog- i really did write this a long time ago...be sure to check for my new posts!)
Why has it taken me so long to write again...i mean it has only been 14 hours. But you see, in those twelve odd hours i slept for 6 and spent the other six watching TV.
Alright so i might be exaggerating here but lately i think i have become glued to the black box in my living room, and i find myself edging closer and closer until my nose becomes cold from touching the glass screen.
I am not particularly sure if it is that television has gotten any better. I still see the same old dribble that i always saw when i was a child. Boy meets girl, boy cheats on girl. Girl finds new lover and they get married have children and their children marry their second cousin. Bold and the Beautiful aside, i do love TV.
Instead of breakfast, i eat the morning cooking shows and day TV. It wakes me up and encourages me to become active in the day, telling me to cook healthy food, do some crafty number on my old drapes and cherish my life because tomorrow i could be 700 pounds. Yet in watching these shows, i still sit on the couch! Its a vicious little cycle aye!
I let myself get addicted to shows that have no relevance in my life...shows like desperate housewives. Am i 50? no ( I'm sure Terri Hatcher is something around that age, i used to watch her when i was like 8), Do i own a fancy shmancy house in Wisteria Lane that smells like lily of the valley?...Uh not if you count that swampy sewage smell down the road.
I think its just a way of escaping from our little reality, and indulging in something that makes us feel important. Like a part of a family that doesn't have a stinky brother, overbearing sister and intrusive parents...or at least ones we have to deal with on a daily basis.
If i could watch tv all day i think i would...but then i would not be writing this blog right now..
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